Good morning! Happy new month… 

We often hear the phrase, “Fake it till you make it.”
I know the loving intent people have when saying it, but it has dangerous consequences.

It’s a common catchphrase that suggests you imitate confidence so that the confidence produces success, which will seemingly generate real confidence.
But I have found that when people fake anything, they only produce more fakeness, and that leads to disconnect, trouble, misery and ultimately failure.

Too often people spend incredible amounts of energy trying to project themselves as something they’re not. Most of their conversation is spent trying to impress and they think they have everyone snookered.

Here is the reality: no one is fooled.
People are always transparent… even when they think they aren’t.
I’m sure you meet people all the time who say all the right things, look the part, but you just know, in your gut, even if you can’t put your intellectual finger on it, that they are full of hooey.

We are all intuitive and sensitive beings. We can feel the truth. We can sense authenticity and we can sense when it isn’t present. Projecting pretense only pushes people away from you—quickly and regularly.

Your real self—the one that isn’t king of the hill, has fears, is concerned about family and has a genuine passion for a product, service or helping other people succeed—is far more attractive to people than anything else.
I think the era of “fake it till you make it” of the ’80s and ’90s has passed. People are smarter today and more than ever are looking for authenticity.

Look, don’t fake it until you make it. Just get busy making it!

Action for today:
So today, I want you to remember this:
Be real, be transparent, be authentic and be yourself… I mean your REAL self.
So in your conversations today, stop trying to mold yourself to the image of what you think others will like.
Instead, focus on sharing the real you – what you are passionate about, what fears you are breaking through, and what you are striving towards. You will find that this will bring about deeper connections and conversations.

Your Daily Friend,


BabsMicheal Global Consultancy