Happy New Month to you Friends.
This month will March you forward and you will forget the pains of the past. You will enjoy the moments and grow into the future.

Time is a monster that cannot be reasoned with. It responds like a snail to our impatience, then it races like a gazelle when you can’t catch a breath.

Do you ever feel like time is passing by so quickly that you feel like you’ve missed out on the little things in life?

Like, what if we wake up one day, 10 years from now, and everything has blown right by us as if it were 3 minutes… gone… just like that.

I’m not talking about living for the moments to come, but for the moments that are in front of us now.

I looked back on old photos and videos and thought.. life used to be so simple, and delicate, every moment was more electric and inspiring than the last, and now more complicated than ever. But, why does it have to be so?

Remember the feeling when you were about 4, and you play around with your friends, different games. Remember how you used to be excited about almost everything? That’s the feeling I’m talking about that has been lost, the delicate and magical moments of our childhood that flew by too quickly.

Lately, I’ve been realizing that time passed me by without even noticing. Feeling as though special moments seemed to have escaped me.

There are so many lovely moments where I wish I could have just stopped time to breathe in the world around me without skipping ahead, looking for the next best thing.

In this day and age, modern society says everyone must have a phone, and emails turned on at all times, and if you miss a beat, you will be left behind. I’m probably not the best example when it comes to turning off technology, I mean my Phone is practically glued to my hand 24/7. But there are times when I wish I could put my phone down, go outside, breathe in the world around me, capture the moment, and hold onto it, because I know 65 years from now, I won’t have the strength to do some of the things I can do now.

Learning to laugh at the little things, not taking life so seriously, and not taking life for granted is something I aspire to achieve. I think we all should, right?

If we’re not careful with our choices, and if we choose to look too far ahead rather than right here, right now, we are at risk of being swept away in a wave of memories that will soon vanish if we don’t learn to stop.. be in the present moment..remembering the little things, and enjoying the lives we are living right now.

We only get one shot at this life, so make it a good one. Do this for yourself, and no one else. Compliment someone, make their day, and pay it forward. These are some diminutive things you can do in a day to help someone through a tough day because we don’t know what they could be going through.

I hope you all take the time to enjoy the moments, and really live them, not just pass through them to get to the next event in life even with a lot we are passing through. You could have even thought of suicide. I have faced a lot too but I just decided to be strong and happy. Build this strength from within and enjoy the moment. They will pass away.

There was a quote I heard recently that struck a chord, and it goes,

“First I was dying to finish high school and finish college.

And then I was dying to finish college and start working.

And then I was dying to marry and have children.

And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work.

And then I was dying to retire.

And now, I am dying… and suddenly I realize I forgot to live.”

Start Living now in the present moment and grow into the future.

Yours sincerely,

BabsMicheal Global Consultancy